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Customer Success Stories

New York Telephone

"The PINS system took an incredible eleven weeks from the time our team started the code, through beta testing, to certified first release for service. This is less than half the time required with other development systems."

John McMenamin - New York Telephone

Aurum Software

"Our primary concern has always been to provide software that's easy for customers to use and modify so it adapts to the changing needs of the business. We decided that the only technology that would meet these needs in the long term would be a fourth generation language - specifically, ACCELL/SQL."

David Buchanan - Aurum Software

General Instrument

"Since ACCELL/SQL supports character as well as graphical user interfaces, it took only one line of code to set the environment variable and get the whole application running in Motif"

Sue Hefland - Jerrold, General Instrument

State Fund Mutual Insurance

"Thanks to the productivity of ACCELL/SQL, our data processing costs per premium dollar is lower than any of our competitors"

Rob Norris - State Fund Mutual Insurance

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